
ExactechGPS Shoulder Application Operative Technique

ExactechGPS® computer-assisted surgical technology provides surgeons with real-time visual guidance and alignment data in shoulder arthroplasty. Customized for surgeon preferences, ExactechGPS is a powerful addition to the surgical team’s goals…

GPS Knee Applications

GPS® Knee ApplicationsThe Rest Is In Your Hands.GPS® Knee ApplicationsThe Rest Is In Your Hands.Extension of YourselfThe ExactechGPS® Knee Applications provide the versatility to meet your needs for each procedure,…
How ExactechGPS Has Changed My Practice with Scott Trenhaile, MD

How ExactechGPS Has Changed My Practice

Scott Trenhaile, MD, reviews ExactechGPS features and  shoulder cases performed using the navigation technology. Presented at the 2021 Exactech Masters Course. For more information about ExactechGPS https://www.exac.com/extremities/exactechgps-shoulder-application/

Jackie, Exactech AI Shoulder Replacement Patient Story

Jackie loves volunteering at her local hospital, but shoulder pain was getting in the way. Thanks to her surgeon and a total shoulder replacement with Exactech implants and Exactech AI technologies, she’s enjoying retirement again.