Date: 14/09/2023
The objectives of this policy are to:
- Take total commitment by leadership along with active involvement from employees in pursuing zero harm, including but not limited to identifying, preventing and reporting on instances of modern slavery
- Identify work related risks and other workplace hazards, whereby and assessment of risks will establish controls to eliminate or manage risk through reducing to the lowest possible level
- Promote and encourage a culture where all employees are proactively maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
- Develop, implement, monitor and review safety and environmental management plans and safe systems of work
- Support employees in understanding the principles of this policy
Exactech will achieve the above objectives by developing and implementing management systems and providing resources for employees in order to:
- Ensure that safe work and anti-slavery practices and initiatives are implemented and actively promoted to the entire organisation
- Implement and continually review work practices and procedures to prevent injury to employees, equipment damage and environmental impacts
- Ensure information and knowledge acquired for internal and external sources is made freely available and circulated through training, safety noticeboards, intranet and meetings
- Conduct regular inspections, audits and review, then promptly follow up with compliance actions
- Continue to review and improve the Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems