
Jackie, Exactech AI Shoulder Replacement Patient Story

Jackie loves volunteering at her local hospital, but shoulder pain was getting in the way. Thanks to her surgeon and a total shoulder replacement with Exactech implants and Exactech AI technologies, she’s enjoying retirement again.

Jerry, Exactech AI Knee Replacement Patient Story

Aircraft mechanic Jerry was experiencing constant knee pain as a result of a broken leg earlier in life. An Exactech Active Intelligence (AI) knee replacement provided exactly what he needed to get his mobility back.

Kathy, Vantage Ankle Patient Story

Proud grandmother Kathy Driver had been struggling with ankle pain for years after a fall nearly 30 years ago. A total ankle replacement helped get her back on her feet and playing with her grandkids again.

Liz, Exactech AI Shoulder Replacement Patient Story

Californian Liz loves to hang ten, but chronic shoulder pain kept her out of the waves. An Exactech AI total shoulder replacement, performed by Dr. Ari Youderian, got her back on her board.