
Consultant Forms

In order for Exactech to process payments to you, we must have the appropriate tax form and bank form, if wired or direct deposited into your account. Exactech will be unable to process any payment to you if these forms are not completed, legible (typed) and on file.
Consultant Data Sheet  (Contact information)

Direct Deposit Form  (Deposit into US bank account)

Exactech US HCP Expense Reimbursement

IRS W-9 Form and Instructions  (Tax forms required by the US Government)

Consultant Data Sheet  (Contact information)

Wire Transfer Form  (Deposit into bank account)

Expense Report

IRS W-8 BEN: Compensated as an individual  (Tax forms required by the US Government)

IRS W-8 BEN-E: Compensated as an entity  (Tax forms required by the US Government)